Improvements 2018-2019

UPDATES & IMPROVEMENTS 2018-19 maintenance and improvements occurring over the last twenty-four months include: For the first time since 2009, the last two years have been relative uneventful. Previous significant works to address issues and ‘right the ship’ of Wildhorse are reflected in previous two-year summaries found on this page. The most significant changes in 2018-19 include:

  • Radon mitigation. We discovered that many Wildhorse homes had radon levels exceeding safety standards. HOA Board member Matt Boisen led the charge to measure and assess these homes and many have now been remedied at Owners’ expense. Special attention was paid to each installation to assure proper functioning with minimal visual impact.
  • The last of the abandoned foundations left by the original developer has been built upon by Wildhorse Homes. This represents over a decade of work to achieve this result that we see as a very positive accomplishment. Four properties have changed hands in the last two years and we’ve seen further appreciation of property values in consort with the up-market conditions the Gunnison Valley.
  • To assist roof-shoveling efforts, the HOA funded approximately $7,200 to put roof anchors on every home here. This will make it far safer for our snow removal provider and his crew to do their jobs.
  • Landscaping saw some investment in tree removal in the summers of both 2018 and 19 as we continue to assess where new trees may be planted. It has been an issue to have trees planted near roads or driveways, especially in a significant snow year such as we experience in 2018-19. In 2020, we will look to shape a next-steps plan for the overall appearance of our trees and shrubs.
  • Due to a sudden death, we lost Jason Swenson, owner of Interconnect Colorado. He was a true friend to Wildhorse and very helpful provider here since 2010. His help will be seriously missed. Just before his death, Jason and his team installed a thirty-foot tower to our Telco ‘bunkhouse’ to improve our system. For 2020, the Board will be looking at the impact of Jason’s passing in terms of bandwidth, streaming options to Dish Network and the overall value we receive from our internet/TV/phone services budget. There may be new approaches to fulfilling Owner interests and needs for their properties that can provide greater flexibility and value.
  • We are looking to increase our return on investment for the HOA’s reserve funds which exceed $100,000 and should have come to a decision about options by time you are reading this.
  • Quarterly fees have remained the same since we began in 2010 and we forecast no need in the immediate future to increase them.
  • The banning of short-term rentals went into effect in April, 2019 and so far we’ve seen no violations of our policies for an Owner renting. Concurrently, we have had our third HOA-sponsored annual barbeque that has seen more Owners attending. There is a growing sense of community here that we view as increasing the value proposition of Wildhorse ownership. These values include a special place for Owners, their families and friends, a peaceful place with remarkable views, and a well run HOA that “preserves and enhances property values, considers individual interests and serves the common good.”