UPDATES & IMPROVEMENTS 2011-13 Maintenance and improvements occurring over the last twenty-four months include:
Between the summer of 2011 and through the spring of 2013, the WHOA Executive Board succeeded in affecting significant upgrades to all Wildhorse properties. Working with our property managers at Toad Property Management, several local contractors and in negotiations with Haselden Construction, improvements to all thirty existing homes completed between the summer of 2011 and 2013 include:
- Boisen Costruction re-stained all exterior surfaces to a standard that exceeded original work. This process launched a systematic assessment of improvements that would benefit every property.
- Western Slope installed glycerin and an expansion tank management system into the fire suppression system of all homes to protect against freezing and possible leaking or damage from burst pipes. Glycerin acts as an antifreeze providing protection to -19 degrees Fahrenheit thus significantly improving freeze-protection of our homes.
- Olsen Construction added insulation to all attics, re-insulated around all fire suppression lines and then re-tented with heavy-duty plastic to prevent settling and the insulation was correctly reinstalled. Any open voids discovered during attic inspections were carefully sealed with foam insulation (both from inside and out) to eliminate negative impacts from precipitation and cold air infiltration.
- All homes were inspected by a structural engineer and found to be sound. Over 6000 lineal feet of bracing was recommended to strengthen lateral bracing between trusses. This was installed throughout the thirty homes.
- All end-gable end vents were improved with the addition of sturdy baffles to eliminate the wind tunneling effect and precipitation infiltration, while still allowing necessary air exchange.
- Falcon Mechanical, the original installer of our mechanical systems, returned to Wildhorse and went house-to-house fixing any original installation defects or code violations where found.
- Boisen Construction systematically inspected all log work on each home and reinforcements were added where necessary. Log trusses received substantial reinforcements within the attic supplementing the deficient existing connections.
- All log railings surrounding the front and back decks were systematically inspected and reinforced by Boisen Construction.
- In addition to all the physical upgrades to Wildhorse properties, a cash reserve of $110,000 was established to put the HOA on a sound financial basis and to be in compliance with our bylaw requirements.