Improvements 2010-2011

UPDATES & IMPROVEMENTS 2010-11 Maintenance and improvements occurring over the last twelve months include:

  • Engagement of Toad Property Management for reliable, responsive, and high quality care of the entire development
  • Clarification of all finances and contracts to have a completely transparent budget reflecting accurate costs
  • Engagement of David Leinsdorf as our HOA attorney, highly experienced in all matters relating to Colorado HOAs
  • A special assessment that funded comprehensive and meticulous re-staining and maintenance to every property’s exterior surfaces
  • Engagement of Internet Colorado as our reliable provider of Internet and phone services resulting in faster, better quality services at a 40% savings on fees previously paid
  • Engagement of Star Communications for fiber-optic DISH digital/high definition television services to all homes with optional owner upgrades available resulting in a 40% savings in fees previously paid
  • Documentation of observable and known construction, structural, and safety defects to still be addressed by the builder
  • Work in collaboration with the Town of Mount Crested Butte and CBMR to determine an acceptable bike path as mandated in the original Prospect development agreement
  • Work in collaboration with the Town of Mount Crested Butte to finish landscaping and condemn five unfinished foundations. The possible resolution will be removal of these unfinished foundations unless a new developer commits to commence building in 2012.
  • Work to establish a capable, confidence-inspiring and pro-active Executive Board that has now met all owners